Visit to find out how to activate your nonphysical sight to have your 1st OBE tonight with Lucidology 103.
In this video we cover a very useful trick for feeling what it’s like to have awareness of two bodies at once even while you’re awake.
This dissociation feeling is something you’ll often encounter in Lucidology 102 and Lucidology 103-style OBE inductions.
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Lucidology Address: Nick Newport 9364 Swaying Pine Ct, Miamisburg, OH 45342 |
You are great nick!
Will you reply emails and commenets after this?
As I watch the video, each time you move your hand I get a dissociation feeling already. Or energy moves abruptly in me as if something is separating from me for a moment. Woah!
I don’t have a credit card and I don’t have a paypal account, so can I send a cheque from Australia?
I have bought your course, the problem with your course is, you talk to much, just find tune it. You have to much crap. The first time I had and OBE, I just used affirmations, just repeated them over and over.
What’s to say but ‘WOW’ :)
I don’t understand the set-up. A mirror between two boxes?
its just 1 mirror,you can put it in your right side as shown in video,you see 2 boxes because of the refelection.
I’ve bought 101 and 102 with NO success, why should I be fooled again and buy 103?
It’s just a bunch of daydreaming bullshit!
i don’t speack english very well but i want to relate you my tria. i was sleeping and later, paralysis. i wake up and near i saw myself on the bet. wonderfull! that’s the first time i succed a OBE. ich bedanke mich bei Ihnen ganz herlig für ihre tolle Arbeit!!!
This course really works.
Those people that say it does not work are
just not doing it correctly.
I know that this OBE course & dream course works
because I have 15 years of experience.
The extra information is to help the novice “noobs”
that do not understand what they are doing: the people
that leave bad comments are obviously “noobs.”
You can believe in existence after death without be believing in god… i only say this because, well take it from a wise young individual don’t believe or disbelieve anything, simply have your own experience :)
You can believe in existence after death without believing in god… i only say this because, well take it from a wise young individual don’t believe or disbelieve anything, simply have your own experience :)
I have not purchased the course yet but I have experienced an OBE. I use the consciousness swinging technique as I fall asleep. I am always open to trying newer techniques to increase the success rate of my OBEs.
I have wanted my first OOBE for over fifty years. This 103 course has an ongoing set of strategies that feel very good. Now to find a mirror.
IGNORE THE Uneducated and foolish users like: “CHASE” WITH SPELLING ERROR POSTS :
“September 5, 2012 at 1:38 am
Have you heard of Rudolf Steiner and his famous book “How to know higher worlds”?
Do you see any incompatibility between Steiner and you?
The video will not play…could you please tell me which player to use/get? Thank you very much.
I want to lucid dream very badly, but I absolutely do not want to have an OBE. The very idea of being on the astral plain with other possibly non-human entities is terrifying to me. It makes no sense to me to put yourself at the mercy of an environment you do not understand. That being said, is it possible to accidentally have an OBE whilst attempting lucidity.
I LUV this stuff it’s so on demand and all.
Darryl Forests Arouet
The OBE has a psychological explanation. It reminds me of those mediums who used to use cheesecloth as their ectoplasms. They self-deceived themselves. I believe there is dissociation in both mediumship and the OBE experience. The subject can easily fool themself into believing things that are not really there. I love the art of deception. I have studied magic for many years.
I speak french I dont can learn the video.
Please send in french.
thank you
I had heard of obes the first time when I was about 23,it excited me then to think anything like that was even possible.I’m 58 now ready everything that I’d gotten from u so far that last night as I layed asleep ,I woke up with the heaviness of the lead blanket over my body I was not able to move and I could actually feel myself lifting up from my body and floating even so it was only a couple of inches I have felt so excited that all I wanted to do and enjoy the most wonderful experience that I’d ever enjoyed .where do you think I need to go next more reading of coarse but,,,.thank you so much
Being a gay psychic medium, lucid dreaming is a kewl thing.
You are talking to apparitions not dead people.
Because they are DEAD.
Jon Donnis
The above post/s are not the real Jon Donnis or the real Forests. Please get a life MU. The admin has been informed and your abuse/impersonations and they will be deleted.
I tried this and nothing happened which is strange since I am the best in my class medium.
I’ll keep trying until I do it for I never give up unless I am swathed in ectoplasm.
Jon Donnis
Jon Donnis
Try using your consciousness to absolve yourself, bury your immense ego and be still with the breeze.
Or drop dead for all I care.
Eveshi Forests Fodor3
I have had random OBEs my whole life. I have become interested in being able to control and explore the phenomenon more and this material was suggested. Using your timer method, I was able to have my first intetional OBE. It was short, and a little low energy but it happened.
In the last couple of weeks, I have been working/struggling to get to sleep paralysis. I am not interested in accidental OBEs. To properly study it, there must be some repeatable controls.
I will probably focus on fractional hypnosis, I think you called it, next. I have also adopted a daily mediation routine. I have gone through the material in 102 and 103 and will suspend comment until I can get to SP with some level of control.
At the very least, your timer method in 101 did work. First time. I’m interested to see where this takes me. I enjoy any correspondence with people who have genuinely succeded to compare notes.
Hello !
Before I really get into this, there is an INCREDIBLY obvious issue which I have never seen anybody make clear in all of the very good material available on OBE’s & A.P.’s, and that is what are the realistic bounds that we should be setting as our targets once we seperate? I think it is very likely that they increase as we get better at it.
On my very 1st OBE, can I only expect to see my home, and float around it? To leave my home do I go out through my home like sunlight passes through my windows? I certainly hope the hydro powerlines will not matter !! (lol ??)Can I use it to see if I can find, or at least see my love of my life who I haven’t seen since Oct. 1982 ? All of this material about OBE’s is just great, but it’s like learning how to fly a helicopter totally by reading about it, but not having any idea of where I could go, what is realistic, what is not, and what is foolish!!!
Thank You (I don’t mean to brag, but I think that this is something you should definitely consider adding to the initial information about A.P.’s & OBE’s.
To Geoff,
I can only speak of my own experience. I had the assumption that when I would finally succeed in an OBE, I’d be auto flying to the moon. But I didnt.
Your description of being inside your house etc is very much on target to what I experienced. My 1st OBE actually turned into multiple OBE’s in one nap because I would efit but would drift back into body within seconds. After drifting in and out of body at least 10 times, I reached the point where I managed to stay out and at my ceiling. My next hurdle was moving from one part of the room to the other.
I had a strong desire to get to my window, and it took concentration for me to get there. Then after getting to the window, I had to work on getting out. After a few moments of considering how to achieve this, I was successful.
So yes, for me, it was def more of a progression. I haven’t made it to the moon yet, but am learning to 1) remain out of body 2) learning how to move from one space to the otherother 3) gaining an understanding of how to interact with my surroundings 4) recognizing signs that indicate my physical body needs me to address a physical issue (I reluctantly decided I had no choice but to return to my body so it could use the restroom!)
No, I’m not experienced enough to be successful at OBE every night, despite trying. In fact, I’ve considered that maybe trying every night might be the problem…Idk
I found the advice of William Bulham (he has a website, but idk it off the top of my head) to be very informative and closest to the reality of what I actually experienced. He works thru the Monroe Institute & I think he has some guides to read there. He has also written some books, all were PDF free downloads.
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